Thursday, November 28, 2019

Mores Utopia Essays - Utopian Novels, Idealism, Utopia,

More's Utopia In Thomas More`s book Utopia, there is a great deal of irony in the way the people of this mystical place live and prosper. Much of what the people of today`s society assume to be universal truths of life are completely opposite from the Utopian perspective of the way things should be done. Some of these differences include the way they protect themselves from other nations, their economy, their system of land rights, and the nature of their relationships and marriages. In all of these areas Utopians differ greatly from the norm of western society. These differences serve as a commentary on the world which westerns take for granted. In the book Utopia, More uses irony to demonstrate some of the positive and negative aspects of western society. In comparison with the ways of the western world where vast amounts of the tax money is spent on the protection of the nations in terms of weapons and training of armies, the Utopians have a much different system of nation protection. Rather than fight themselves, they hire mercenaries to do their battling for them. It is a very strange policy to adopt, and history has shown that this is not the most effective way to protect a nation. Their stand on the issue is that these soldiers are all out for money, and since the gold and silver which they possess in vast amounts is available, they have nothing to worry about. This is truly an ideal way of life, but the reality is that no mercenary will fight as hard as a man who is protection his homeland. Any person would agree that paying someone else to go to war for them would be great, but this is not the way life works, and More is making this observation in his book. Another area where the people of Utopia differ greatly form the way of the western world is the way in which the land rights are controlled. The basic ideas of property ownership are unheard of to the people of Utopia. All of the land is owned jointly, and the entire community works the land in shifts. This prevents any man from having more than his neighbor which supposedly eliminates jealousy and competition between citizens. Even though it is clear that there can be no elimination of the innate competition between people or the human instinct to acquire personal wealth, More is commenting the greedy nature of the people of the western world. More`s description of their methods shows them to be perfect, but the underlying suggestion is that they are far from perfect, and that there is no possible way a system like this could prosper. Another major difference between the European world and the Utopians is the system of relationships, and marriage. There is what seems to be a very cynical view of marriages. It is almost as thought they exist only because of sex, and the idea of love is not even a factor. They suppose few people would join in marital love-with comfinment to a single partner and all the petty annoyances that married life involves-unless they were strictly restrained from promiscuity.?(452) This quote implies that the members of this society would most likely have no desire to commit themselves to one person if they had the freedom to be involved sexually with other people. In other words if not for the conjugal right marriages would not exist. This is a very cynical view of relationships, and much different from that of the western world. There are no strict punishments for adulterers in this society, as in Utopia and people are free to act as they see fit. There is an underlying element of control in this society of Utopia that resembles something close to hell for a person who likes to do his own thinking and decision making. Many people do not want a higher power telling them how to live, and this is the very point that More is making in this book. The most significant difference that More presents in the Utopian society is their economy. These people have absolutely no system of money. They pay their mercenaries with the gold and silver which they have mined strictly for that purpose, and there is an element of disgust for these metals among the citizens the nation. They are living in a communal fashion. They produce an excess of goods in order to trade with their neighbors, and the citizens share all of the necessities of life

Monday, November 25, 2019

Three Reasons Why Im attending College essays

Three Reasons Why Im attending College essays Three Reasons Why I'm Attending Frontier Community College There are many reasons for my decision to attend Frontier Community College. For example, I wanted to create a positive atmosphere for my family so I would become a better role model for my children. While in the mean time, preparing a solid foundation for my career, and furthering my education to improve my own self-esteem. Creating a positive atmosphere, and being a good role model for my family, I feel is the most important reason for my decision to attend Frontier Community College. Hopefully, with experiencing my struggles, my children will realize it is easier to further their education earlier in life. I found by returning to college at age 35, it's twice the struggle to relearn the basic concepts of learning and preparing yourself for an exciting career. By creating this scholastic atmosphere, I feel my children have a better chance of furthering their education and provide the security they will need later in life. Subsequently, by building a solid foundation for my career, I am able to enhance my financial support for my children to achieve a solid foundation for their careers. Also by establishing a new and exciting career I will be able to earn and receive the benefits of a good job, and better pay, to provide my family with the security that I feel my family needs and deserves. My final, but none less important reason for my decision to attend Frontier Community College, is to further my own education, and to improve myself within the knowledge of a new career. Furthering my education will fulfill my need to learn and achieve the knowledge about the things that interest me most. Also, it will supply me with the feeling to be more comfortable with future situations, and gives me the knowledge and confidence to work under demanding pressures of everyday life. In conclusion to my decision to attend Frontier Community College, I believe it will c...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thomas Green case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Thomas Green - Case Study Example These played no small part in him getting noticed by the division vice president Shannon McDonald who eventually selected him for position of Senior Market specialist, bypassing the decision of his immediate boss Frank Davis. While not stated explicitly in the case, the understatement was that this decision could have set a negative tone in Davis and Green’s relationship from the start as Davis’ authority was undermined. This becomes an important point as the first few months of Green’s new job are filled with manager-employee conflicts leading to a threat to his job. Throughout the case we can identify several specific areas of Management principles which had the most influence in Green’s performance and his Marketing director’s dissatisfaction with his work and the tensions which arose. An organization culture refers to a set of shared values, customs and work style which is followed within any organization. The cultural aspects may be on the surface or deep level but they are accepted by employees and created according to the principles set by the top management. From the start, it seemed Green was unaware or unwilling to follow the set culture after his new promotion. From the case we get the evidence that a lot of importance was given to documentation, use of visual media and constant interaction between employees and supervisors in the department. The company prefers programmed decisions with the correct information, facts and data available for customer presentations- it is not a culture which would supports innovation and out-of-the-box thinking without the approval of your boss and some concrete data to support the process. These things were made clear to Green in the very first week of his work when he had several meetings with Davis who explained to him that while his ideas were good, what was expected was that there would be proper research and figures included when these ideas were presented to the clients. However, as we see in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reflective account Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Reflective account - Essay Example In this paper, I have discussed some of the most important findings of my visit to these companies. Also, I have discussed which of the two companies, I would like to join in the future, and in what ways, customers are entertained by either of the two companies. A & P takes great care of its workforce. That is why, there can be seen some extremely aged workers in A & P. Many employees have worked in A & P for the whole of their professional life which essentially tells that they have been taken care of and their needs have always been addressed. Employee turnover rate in A & P is near to negligible. Workers work with mutual collaboration and harmony, and team work. This makes me feel attracted towards A & P for job. I would always like to work in an environment where workers have good relations with one another. One key factor that makes the customer service of A & P special and unique is that A & P offers service to the customers unobstructed by regional boundaries. The system in A & P is so well established that customers get their repairs made and their comments addressed from far away countries. What makes it even more surprising is that in a vast majority of cases, customers get their concerns addressed much earlier than what they expect. It is interesting to note that many of the permanent customers of A & P place their orders from overseas. They are delivered the product at their respective addresses in their hometown, so they have to face little to no inconvenience at all. Staff of the A & P travels to the dockyards all over the world and transfers the repaired products to the customers. In addition to that, A & P offers yachts at considerably lower prices than most of the yacht making companies do. This is one key reason behind the voluminous body of customers that the company has. Pendennis is largely known for its human resource development strategies. Pendennis first decided to train 10 apprentices in 1998. The practice did make the owners incur som e money, yet it was all paid off later as the workforce became more talented and increased productivity. Because of their immense efforts in the way of development of human resource, Pendennis has in 2008 been granted the title of Best Large Company Apprenticeship. Their growing popularity has increased their business manifolds. I would like to work in Pendennis because professional development opportunities for staff members in Pendennis are numerous. Pendennis takes very good care of its customers. Like A & P, Pendennis also has customers world wide. Customer service system is very efficient, and customers’ complaints and suggestions are given due consideration. Pendennis is known for its creativity, and customers have conventionally been good source of innovative ideas. Both A & P and Pendennis are extremely good in the business practices and the organizational culture prevalent in both of the companies is sufficiently strong and stable. Both are equally popular. It is ver y difficult for me to choose one of them and say that I would like to work in that company, and not in the other. In fact, I consider both of them very nice places to be in, yet if I were to choose one of them, I would go for Pendennis because employees’ on job training is something that is not conventionally provided by many employers while Pendennis does provide it. I believe that the

Monday, November 18, 2019

W4 discussions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

W4 discussions - Essay Example Waiting-line models can equally be applied in the manufacturing of soda, canned foods, automotive components, and plastic products, the list being practically inexhaustible. By analyzing queues in terms of average waiting time, and the length of the waiting line, among other factors, managers in the manufacturing setting can make vital decisions regarding how many machines they should engage in production, when to schedule maintenance for particular machines, and establish the probability of having a given quantity of materials or inventory running in the system (, n.d.). Queuing theory may help managers establish the probability of a system being idle which is important in deciding when and how often to schedule maintenance services for machines and equipment. Simply stated, queuing theory is no less important in product manufacturing than it is in service industries. Linear programming is a widely used mathematical technique designed to help operations managers plan and make decisions. Why is LP so important in decision making? So what are the major components of a linear programming problem? What does linear programming tell us about the allocation of resources? Linear programming according to purplemath (n.d.) is the process of analyzing the different linear inequalities that apply to a given situation to find the optimum value that can be obtained under those conditions. In this respect, linear programming is important in obtaining the â€Å"best† (optimum) value of a variable for a given set of conditions (purplemath, n.d.). For decision makers, linear programming is important in finding optimum (maximum and minimum) values which are important such as in maximizing profits and minimizing expenses among other desirable results. A linear programming problem has four basic components; decision variables, data/parameters, constraints, and objective

Friday, November 15, 2019

Low Cost Solar Water Desalination Environmental Sciences Essay

Low Cost Solar Water Desalination Environmental Sciences Essay Abstract- This research paper covers different types of low cost solar water desalination techniques. This paper also describes methods for solar water desalination process at large scale with less cost. Keywords- solar water desalination, sea-water desalination, brackish water desalination, low cost water desalination, water purification. Introduction Our world consists of 97.2% water but this water is not in useable form.[1] This water can be usable if it gets purify. Purification of sea water is very costly task. This paper describes methods to reduce cost of this purification process which are currently used by different countries. Solar water desalination Water desalination is the process in which we purify seawater or brackish water and make it useable. Solar water desalination is the process in which we purify seawater or brackish water through solar energy and make it useable for drinking. Fig. 1 Solar water desalination process[2] Ambient energy system Working In this system, energy required for condenser and evaporator is generated through solar panels. This technology is suitable for model villages. The basic idea in this technology is that fix the solar panels on the roof of each house. Connect these panels with heat pump that generates electricity. This heat pump is then connected to the evaporator and condenser. Sea water is then pumped in evaporator and condenser. After this process we get fresh water that can be stored in tank. Fig. 2 Ambient energy system for water desalination.[3] Cost This system is implemented in most of the countries. Its average cost is US$ 1.8/m3.[3] SOLAR STILL PLATE DISTILLATION Working This method can commonly be use at home as shown in fig.3. In this method, flat solar still is used. This system is not suitable for large amount of desalination. As you can see in fig.3 in which fresh water is getting store in a glass. In this process water is passed through the surface of flat solar still and by sunlight these plates get heated and then water get boil. This water is store from the lower side of solar still. One 120 cm long and 60 cm wide with a collector area of 0.7 Sq. m solar still plate can desalinate 2.5 3.5 litres of water in a day. 4 solar still can purify 10 12 litres of water in a day which is enough for single family. Cost This desalination process is very cheap and its cost is Rs.300 per litre production.[4] Fig.3 Flat plate solar distillation[4] Simple sea water desalination plant Working In this system, spherical shaped tank is used which is made up of solid glass. firstly connect spherical tank and reservoir tank through pipe. Connect the top of the reservoir tank with the cooling system so that vapours can again convert into liquid state. Cooling system is not necessary; it depends on the temperature of surrounding area. The working of this process is that fill the spherical tank with sea water. Filled spherical tank behaves like a big, solid and powerful convex lens. This convex lens will focus on a single point with its specific alignment to the sunlight. Water will get boil after some time because of continuous heating. Then water will change its state from liquid to vapour state. These vapours will move towards the reservoir tank and the cooling system at the top of reservoir tank will again change the state of water from vapour to liquid. This liquid is purified water and can be use for daily purposes. Fig.4 Simple sea water desalination[5] Cost The cost of this system depends on the size of sphere. The sphere with capacity of storing 5 litres water is costs Rs. 1500.[5] CONCLUSION These are the different techniques that can be used for low cost water desalination. As far as reduction in infrastructure cost, PVC pipes can be used instead of cement pipes. It is clear from the study that ambient energy can be used for water desalination in temperate climates. In hotter countries where there is more solar energy available, the potential for using the technology to produce low-cost desalination systems is even more significant. Solar still plate distillation process can be build at the roofs of the houses. Like windmill at the roof of house, this desalination process will work fine. Simple sea water desalination plant is also suitable for hot areas as it also requires sunlight to boil the water.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dark Prejudice in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness :: HOD Joseph Conrad Racism

Prejudice in Heart of Darkness  Ã‚      Slavery has been with us since the Egyptian times and with it prejudice towards certain humans have also come about. In Conrad's Heart of Darkness these prejudice feelings are reflected throughout the story by the characters and their descriptions. The main character, Marlow shows much prejudice feelings towards the native black slaves by much of his descriptions and actions towards them.    One of the most noticeable prejudice descriptions that Marlow gives to us is in the way in which Marlow describes the Themes River in two different positions. He first describes the river as being a place where many people seek to follow their dreams. In a way, his descriptions are like a great fantasy with great feelings of serenity and full of liveliness. This description of the river also contained many words of color; this Marlow rarely uses to describe events. The description of the river going upstream was extremely different from the former description. Marlow described it as this "The air was warm, thick, heavy, and sluggish. There was no joy and brilliance of sunshine. The long stretches of the waterway ran on, deserted, into the gloom of overshadowed distances" (Conrad 2:16). Upriver was where all the natives lived and this is how it is described, quite the opposite of what he had thought before. Marlow feels extremely uncomfortable going to this area, he even says that it seems as if the large trees hanging over the river swallow the boat up as they move up. These words give the impression that this area is very uncivilized and even animal like. Marlow constantly feels that something is watching him and he called this watching monkey tricks (Conrad 2:2). Obviously referring to the natives watching him. Yet another description that Marlow gives to us that is somewhat different is in the reactions of Kurtz's girlfriends to his departure and death. We first meet Kurtz's native girlfriend. Her descriptions were much of her savage appearances. Marlow refers too much of her jewelry as barbarous ornaments and gifts of witch-men. This he does not know but only assumes so. When he describes her facial expressions, they aren't very human like but more like an animal.